Friday, June 28, 2013

GRCC to Offer Healthcare to Adjuncts!

On a positive note, GRCC will offer healthcare to 70 adjunct faculty members who will qualify under the Affordable Care Act.

$31,050 Pay Raise for the President at GRCC!

According to the MLive article, Steve Ender, President at GRCC will be receiving a 17% pay raise even though enrollment is declining and salary increases for others have been frozen.

Sunday, June 23, 2013



If you have any concerns regarding the number of sections you will be teaching this Fall, Your Bargaining Team will be holding two informal informational sessions:

  • Wednesday, June 26 at 5:00 pm in our Cafeteria, and
  • Thursday, June 27, at Noon in our Cafeteria.
The purposes of these sessions is to let you know what impact, if any, the Affordable Care Act could have had, KVCC’s initial response to the ACA, and the result of negotiations by your Bargaining Team.

Please contact the Bargaining Team at if you cannot attend either session but have questions that you want addressed.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Thank you!


While it is easy to thank the messenger for good news, it was the hard work of many people who made the contact hour change possible.  It's important to acknowledge those who had direct involvement in the resolution of the class scheduling which would have affected the salaries 82 p/t faculty members:

The 50 KVCCFT members and supporters* who stood in Marilyn Schlack's office to present the Unlawful Labor Practice Charge showed courage, demanded the law be acknowledged, and stood up for what is right and ethical.

The bargaining team (Kelly O'Leary, Kevin Wordelman, Jon Curtiss, David Dobbie, Jean Snow, Randy Pomeroy, Dave Paul, John Tucker, Meredith Timpson, Carol Weatherford) who have met hour after hour, without pay, making sure the wording for the agreement was in our best interest and wouldn't take "no" for an answer from the administration.

The organizing team* have planned the actions, such as the presentation of the "charge" to Marilyn Schlack and the Art Hop, in order to apply pressure to the college administration to negotiate fairly.

The concept developers* who designed our logo, bookmarks, and posters.  

Our colleagues* who placed phone calls to members inviting them to attend our activities.

Our colleagues* who passed out 1,200 bookmarks at the Art Hop and had meaningful conversations with the community about the plight of our part-time faculty.  

Lastly, a debt of gratitude is owed to our students, their friends, and their parents*.  These students have taken a stand for the part-time faculty by writing letters, passing out bookmarks, sharing our information with others, and using their free time to assist us in getting our message across.  They are passionate about what they believe in and it's impressive to see these young adults stand shoulder to shoulder with us as we tackle tough concerns.

This battle is won, but know that the war continues.  Salary, evaluations, etc. are up for negotiations next and we will need your assistance as we once again ask the college to make a serious commitment to us as we have to the college.  This last resolution gives proof that weare strongest together!  So when asked to participate in KVCCFT activities, help us make a difference, and please consider joining us.  Our strength is in numbers!

Catherine Barnard

* I did not ask permissions to use names.


Contact Hours Guidelines Rescinded

I am pleased to announce the 9 contact hour limit has been rescinded.  Your bargaining team and the college have reached an agreement that they're confident will meet the ACA guidelines.

June 12, 2013
Kalamazoo Valley Community College Federation of Teachers
Contact:               Kevin Wordelman

KVCC part-time faculty union fends off potential job cuts, negotiates new maximum work load to comply with Affordable Care Act

Kalamazoo – Kalamazoo Valley Community College and its part-time faculty union, the KVCC Federation of Teachers, signed an agreement on Tuesday defining the maximum allowable workload for part-time faculty and preventing potential job cuts proposed by the college in response to certain provisions of the Affordable Care Act.

Under the agreement, part-time faculty will be allowed to teach up to 11 credit hours per semester, or 75% of the full-time faculty workload, with the understanding that no part-time faculty member will be required to work more than 29 hours per week.  Beginning January 1, under the Affordable Care Act, the federal government will penalize large employers who do not offer health insurance to all employees working 30 or more hours per week. In an internal memo leaked to the union in April, the college had proposed limiting all part-time faculty to nine contact hours per week, a formula that could have cut some part-time faculty workloads by two-thirds.  The college has never offered health insurance to part-time faculty members.

“We are thrilled that our members stepped up, made their voices heard, and that KVCC decided to do the right thing,” said Catherine Barnard, KVCCFT president.  “This agreement demonstrates that even under a complex legal framework, it is possible for two parties to negotiate a reasonable solution.”

The union filed an unfair labor practice charge with the Michigan Employment Relations Commission on April 29, alleging that the college refused to negotiate the proposed change in working conditions.  By mid-July, after the college implements the new policy for fall semester hiring, the union agreed to drop the unfair labor practice charge. 

 “This issue simply underscores a major challenge facing part-time faculty,” said Barnard.  “We teach semester to semester with no job security.  Our students don’t think of us as part-time, and many of us have demonstrated long term commitment to KVCC.  It is time for KVCC to make a commitment to us.”

Did you know...

the salaries (benefits not included) for 1 President and 8 Vice Presidents for 2012 totaled $1,216,359.10 (9 people)

the salaries (no benefits) for 200 p/t faculty members with 9 credit hours for 2012 totaled  $1,416.060.00 (200 people)

Now you know!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Thank You!!!

A great big thank you to ALL (p/t faculty and their families, students, and the parents of students) for your assistance during the Art Hop tonight! Without you, we could never have distributed 1,200 KVCCFT informational bookmarks into the hands of the community. Your support is greatly appreciated!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Would you like to teach at Kalamazoo Valley Community College?


you can develop a course, prepare a syllabus, lecture, grade tests and assignments, hold office hours, keep up on the latest developments and literature, and advise students for just a little above minimum wage;
you have no rights or authority; 
you share office space with up to eight other people;
you're evaluated, but no one shares the outcome of that evaluation with you or knows how to interpret the evaluative criteria;
you may have a lecture class of 46 students or a seminar class of 30 students wall-to-wall;
you are responsible for purchasing your own printer cartridges, printer paper, lesson plan books, materials used for classroom presentations, etc;
you may work a month before receiving your paycheck;
you undertake professional development on your own time and at your own expense;
you are not offered insurance, but based on KVCC pay, you may be eligible for state assistance;
you are among 99% of the faculty who will never become full-time;
you're part of a group that teaches 75% of the classes offered, but your salary is just above the poverty level;
you receive no medical, bereavement, jury duty leave, but are allowed one paid sick day;
you may not know what classes are being assigned to you until two weeks before the semester begins; 
you may not have a say in what classes you're offered; 
you have no seniority after 5, 10, 15, or even 20 years of service;
you are not offered a course assignment after a successful semester and are never told why;
you get to do the best job in the with students and watch them succeed. 

Part-time Faculty- HUM 203/ Study of Love, Fall 2013
$786.70 per credit hour06-03-2013FacultyHumanities
Part-time Faculty - MTH 094 & 096 - Basic Arithmetic/ Pre-Algebra and Fund. of Algebra - Fall 2013
$786.70 per credit hour05-29-2013FacultyMathematics
Part-time Faculty- MTH 116 Intermediate Algebra - Fall 2013
$786.70 per credit hour05-29-2013FacultyMathematics

EMT Clinician - Part-time
$23.20 /non-contact hour; $25.15/contact hour05-29-2013FacultyEMS

Part-time Faculty PHI 201/Introduction to Philosophy
$786.70 per credit hour05-24-2013FacultyHumanities

Part-time Faculty-BIO 110/Anatomy and Physiology
Part-time Faculty-GEO110/Physical Geology
Part-time Faculty-PHY 111/ College Physics I
Part-time Faculty-PHY 111/College Physics I
Part-time Faculty-CHM 100/ Fundamentals of Chemistry
Part-time faculty- CHM 130/ General Chemistry II
Part-time Faculty-PHY 120/Astronomy
Part-time Faculty-GEO 109/Earth Science for the Elementary Teacher I
Part-time Faculty-GEO 102/World Geography Through Maps and Media
 05-2 0-2013FacultyGeology/Geography
Part-time Faculty BIO 100/ Fundamentals of Biology

Sort Job Title DownJob Title
Sort Pay Rate DownPay Rate
CURRENTLY SORTED:: Sort Job Open Date DownJob Open Date
Sort Position Type DownPosition Type
Sort Department DownDepartment

Part-time Nursing Clinical Faculty - Obstetrics
Part-time Nursing Clinical Faculty - Mental Health
Part-time Faculty Auto 111/Exploring Automotive Career Options
$786.70 per credit hour05-09-2013FacultyAutomotive
Part-time Faculty Auto 112/Shop Fundamentals
$786.70 per credit hour05-09-2013FacultyAutomotive
Part-time Faculty Auto 130/Automotive Brake Systems
$786.70 per credit hour05-09-2013FacultyAutomotive
Part-time Faculty Auto 140/Manual Transmission and Driveline
$786.70 per hour05-09-2013FacultyAutomotive
Part-time Faculty Auto 161/Engine Mechanical Theory
$786.70 per credit hour05-09-2013FacultyAutomotive
Part-time Faculty Auto 170/Automotive Heating and Air Conditioning Systems
$786.70 per credit hour05-09-2013FacultyAutomotive
Part-time Faculty Auto 230/Automotive Brake Electronic Systems
$786.70 per credit hour05-09-2013FacultyAutomotive
Part-time Faculty Auto 240/Manual Transmission/Driveline Repair
$786.70 per credit hour05-09-2013FacultyAutomotive
Part-time Faculty Auto 261/Engine Overhaul
$786.70 per credit hour05-09-2013FacultyAutomotive
Part-time Faculty Auto 270/Advanced Auto Heating and Air Conditioning
$786.70 per credit hour05-09-2013FacultyAutomotive
Part-time Web Design Development Faculty - Fall 2013
 05-08-2013FacultyCenter for New Media
Part-time Digital Illustration Faculty - Fall 2013
 05-08-2013FacultyCenter for New Media
Part-time Nursing Clinical Faculty - Pediatrics

Part-time Time-Based Media/Video Faculty - Fall 2013
 05-08-2013FacultyCenter for New Media
Part-time A nimation/Game Art Faculty - Fall 2013
 05-08-2013FacultyCenter for New Media
Part-time Graphic Design Faculty - Fall 2013
 05-08-2013FacultyCenter for New Media
Part-time 2D Fine Art and Photography Faculty - Fall 2013
 05-08-2013FacultyCenter for New Media
Part-time Instructor Drafting110/112
$786.70 per credit hour04-29-2 013FacultyDrafting
Part-time Instructor Business 205 Desktop Publishing for the Office
$786.70 per credit hour04-25-2013FacultyBusiness
Part-time Communications Faculty- Fall 2013
$786.70 per credit hour04-10-2013FacultyCommunications

PT Nursing Clinical Faculty - Medical/Surgical