Proposal 2, or the Protect Working Families campaign, will amend the Michigan Constitution to establish your rights to organize, form, join or assist labor unions; bargain collectively with public or private employers regarding wages, hours, workplace safety standards and benefits; and participate in collective bargaining free from employer retaliation.
We worked with union members and activists all over the state to collect nearly 700,000 signatures to get Proposal 2 on the ballot. This is a citizen-driven initiative that represents the hard work of thousands of volunteers across Michigan.
We need your help spreading the word about Proposal 2.
First, we need you to commit to voting YES. Please pledge your support for Proposal 2 here.
Second, we need you to vote on Election Day! If you are not registered to vote, or if you don’t know where to vote, please visit the Michigan Voter Information Center.
Finally, please pass this message along to any of your friends and family who might be interested in helping to secure workers’ rights in Michigan and building a stronger future.
Thank you!