Many have ask about KVCCFT membership eligibility. The following should clarify who may and may not become a member:
All employees appointed by the Employer as part-time faculty.
Part-time faculty are those who:
1. Have been appointed to teach at least 1 credit hour in the current academic year
2. Are not represented by the KVCC Faculty Association (AAUP).
3. Are engaged in the following teaching/instructional duties: course development, including syllabus preparation; in-class teaching/lecturing and/or on-line instruction (and preparation therefore); grading/student evaluation; office hours; and advising.
Those excluded from membership:
1. Those enrolled as students at KVCC, unless they possess an appropriate degree in the subject they teach.
2. Employees in the following classifications: lab assistants (including computer lab assistants, wind turbine lab assistants), lab coordinators, models, tutors, police academy parapros, special assignment staff/interns (including lab assistants, corrections academy and HVAC), and hourly-paid (not paid on a credit-hour basis) clinicians and others filling instructional roles in KVCC?s EMT and Police Academy programs.
3. Full-time KVCC employees whose primary non-teaching/instructional position involves ancillary instructional duties for which the employee receives no additional compensation.
4. Volunteers and others who engage in teaching/instructional duties but receive no monetary compensation.
5. Advisors, Coaches, Coordinators, Managers/Supervisors, Confidential employees, and all other employees.