Thursday, April 24, 2014

Did you know...

your full-time colleagues support equal pay for equal work? 

Full-time faculty currently make $904 per credit hour for overload and they believe we should make at least $904, too!

Now you know.

Unemployment Compensation for Summer Semester

I received the following email from the union president at Eastern Michigan University.  It sounds as though EMU has found a way for p/t faculty to file for unemployment when not teaching during the summer semester.  If you're interested in attending Zachary's workshop on Unemployment Compensation, please let Sonya know by emailing her at

"Hello Everyone, 

At the Higher Ed Conference, one topic that came up several times was the confusion of filing unemployment insurance for part time faculty employees.  At Eastern Michigan University Federation of Teachers, our member Zack Jones has been conducting workshops on how to file for unemployment.
Zachary Jones will be hosting another workshop on Unemployment Compensation for Part-Time Lecturers on Monday, May 5th from 10 to 11:30 a.m. currently in 202 Pray-Harrold.  If you are not teaching this summer and have no other employment, Zack can assist you in applying for Michigan Unemployment Compensation.  He has filed successfully in previous summers and is willing to show you the steps he took to do so.

If you can come, please RSVP me at  so that we will have enough handouts available and possible move to a larger room if necessary. I will confirm the location upon receipt of your RSVP.  

Also, If possible, please come with a laptop, as Zack will be walking you through the process. 

In Solidarity, 
Sonya Alvarado"

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Did you know...

KVCC has offered the part-time faculty approximately an $8.00 raise per credit hour (which equates to .05 per hour, yes a nickle)?  

Did you know one vice-president at KVCC last year received an $8,000 raise?

Now you know!

To be continued...

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

How Much Are You Worth?

For each of your assigned classes, are you responsible for

writing lecture notes?
researching additional information to supplement a textbook that lacks substance and content?
developing power points?
writing tests?
grading tests?
grading assignments?  
grading research papers?
making additional arrangements for special needs students?
updating Moodle?
holding office hours?
reporting attendance?
completing progress reports?
responding to emails? 
responding to phone calls?

Lulu, KVCC's most adorable Cougar!

Friday, February 14, 2014


The Kalamazoo Literacy Council is the recipient of the 2014 West Michigan Federation of College Educators (WMFCE) Community Outreach Grant. The grant provides a one-time contribution of $1,000 to a Kalamazoo-based charitable organization chosen by the members of the Professional Instructors Organization, the Teaching Assistants Union, and the KVCC Federation of Teachers, to support to a member-nominated charitable organization, encourage volunteer opportunities for WMFCE members, educate WMFCE members regarding the charity’s specific goals and programs, and to promote labor solidarity in the Kalamazoo area.

A very special thank you to Erin Praedel (center) for nominating the KLC and to Tom Kostrzewa (left, President of the PIO) for presenting the award to the KLC Board President Antonio Mitchell.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

New Downtown Campus for KVCC: Will it be called the Schlack Campus?

Dear Friends,

Please take a look at the following article.  This provides the most current information on the new campus slated to be completed by 2015.

Isn't it interesting that the college can spend millions of dollars on a new campus, but yet, the part-time faculty haven't had a raise in three years...we continue to make just above minimum wage?

The administration has now provided proof that new buildings are more important than those who make the difference in 11,000 lives.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

A "Must-Read"

Yesterday, the House Committee on Education and the Workforce released The Just-in-Time Professor its report on adjuncts in higher ed ... a glimmer of light on the horizon?

"To address many of the concerns related to benefits raised by respondents to the eForum, which largely stem from contingent faculty’s part-time status, Congress should extend a number of critical workplace protections to part-time workers. H.R. 675, the Part-Time Workers Bill of Rights Act, sponsored by Representative Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), addresses coverage issues for part-time workers in a number of federal labor laws. The bill does three things: First, it would extend the ACA’s employer responsibility requirement to include part-time workers. Large employers that are required to offer health care to full-time employees or pay a penalty would also have to offer health care to part-time workers or pay a pro rata penalty. Second, the bill extends job-protected family and medical leave to part-time workers under the FMLA and, finally, it would require part-time workers to be treated like full-time workers for purposes of participating in their employers' pension plan."

Monday, January 20, 2014

Our lives begin to end
the day we become silent
about things that matter.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Monday, January 13, 2014

2014 : Our first meeting of a promising New Year

WHO:        Part-time Faculty
WHEN:     Friday, January 17
WHERE:   Room 7110
TIME:       11:00 A.M. - noon

On the agenda we'll discuss who will be eligible to run for office and to vote for officers in this year's election and what's happening as we enter our 14th month of collective bargaining a first-time agreement.

Bring a part-time colleague with you! 

Monday, January 6, 2014

KVCC Closed Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Due to inclement weather, Texas Township, Arcadia Commons Campus and
Kalamazoo Valley Museum will be closed Tuesday.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Friday, January 3, 2014


When asked if the part-time faculty would like to be acknowledged for their years of service, the response was, "Yes."  

Part-time faculty have earned the right to be acknowledged through appointments based on senior status, an increase in compensation and an equitable contract.

No breakfast necessary!